Senin, 04 Juli 2016

Harnessing the Power of an Interesting Lesson to Young Learners in English Classroom.

English is a scary lesson! May as a teacher you ever listen that statement from your students who really don’t like English. They just like building mental block on their mind and becoming unmotivated learners in the class. It is a natural thing finding students who do not interested in English lesson especially for young learner since English is a foreign language. Although young learners have a high capability to learn many languages but it can not be maximized without dealing with their characteristics such as short attention span, need to get a lot attention and praise, lack of exposure, and engine of energy. Regarding to those characteristics, an English teacher should set a comfortable classroom, so young learners will comfortable to learn English as a new language. One of classroom setting that an English teacher can do is providing an interesting lesson on their class.  There are some strategies that teacher can do to have an interesting lesson, namely get students participation, keep  your pacing crisp and your students active, and plan lesson with crafty care.
The first strategy is getting students participation. In this point, learners are expected to involve and engage with the lesson. Concerning to short attention span of young learner, learners involvement on the lesson will help teacher to teach four English skills without distraction because of misbehave on the class. First activity that can be done to get students participation is social cues. Delivering social cues in the class means a teacher intends to say the expected behavior in a classroom. This cue indicates students have to correct their behavior and desired behavior helps them to learn. For example in writing class, there are some students who chat one another and do not start their writing work while the others student named Umi, Ochi and Maryam have started. By using social cues, teacher can say “ I can see that Umi has started her  writing. Ochi is writing the first simple sentence. Thank you. Thank you also to Maryam who has written the second sentence”. I think this way also covers young learner’s characteristic who need a lot praises.
The next activity is random turns for individual . In this activity, a teacher writes each of student’s  names on ice cream sticks. During the lesson, it can be used to call student’s name for a respond. For example in speaking class. A Teacher shows two things and asks students to compare those orally using comparative adjective. the teacher doesn’t need to call a student’s name directly but she can use ice cream sticks name. The teacher calls student’s name by choosing randomly name on the ice cream stick. Because it’s chosen randomly, every student will prepare him self for respond.  Another activity is a teacher can do small- group short response. At this particular activity, students engage to the lesson by discussing and sharing in a group. A teacher may use this activity when he introduces new vocabularies through pictures. For example, the teacher shows seven pictures with jumbled letters under them. Students discuss for guessing the vocabularies. When time for sharing come, each group tells the vocabularies in turn. The teacher writes the vocabulary list of each group on the white board.
Those three activities above direct teachers to lead students participation but they have not been sufficient yet to gain interesting lesson for young learners in English class. Providing interesting lesson can be continued by doing the second strategy, namely keep your pacing crisp and your student active.
In this second strategy, avoiding boredom and facilitating engine of energy characteristics can be covered.  this strategy requires teacher to demonstrate dynamic paces of class. An activity that can be done is moving beyond the rote. Leading students to explore their own thought and perception are the aim of this activity. This activity can be applied for young learner at  grade 4-6. For example teaching vocabularies for grade 4. A teacher can post a picture and ask students to predict vocabularies related to the picture. Then she may ask students’ opinion about the picture. Another example is doing story circle for composing short story. Students sit in a circle and every pupil continues the story in turn. A teacher can start to decide the title of story and deliver the first sentence.
Another activity in the second strategy is breaking up the boredom with a change of pace. A teacher changes the class circumstance, does different activity, even surprises the class with something unexpected. Bringing children who always study in the class to experience learning English outside classroom is an alternative for changing the class circumstance. Pupils are able to play vocabulary games on play ground which may require them to do physical movement. While for getting different activity on learning food and drink, a teacher switches learning through video by doing role play in a small cafe setting.
Besides two strategies above, completing work on an interesting lesson is continued by doing the third strategy, namely plan a lesson with crafty care. It means that teacher plan meaningful and controlled classroom instruction. The lesson plan also generates high interest of students. The first tactic for making this lesson plan is considering what students will do in the class. An English teacher should pay attention on cone of experience concept. It’s stated “people generally remember information 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they see and hear, 70 % of what they write and say, and 90% of what they do”(Edgar Dale). By using this,a teacher is expected preparing various teaching methods in the class. For example teaching reading at grade 3. A teacher prepares not only a reading book activity but also prepares another activity related to reading such as make a simple graphic organizer about a text that students have read.
Another tactic is preferred modalities. It’s clear that not all pupils learn in the same way. Some of them are more comfortable learning through listening. Others are through visual mode. The rest are through physical movement. It is impossible expecting teacher to deliver instruction by covering all students’ modalities in a session but an English teacher can enrich her lesson plan by incorporating two modalities. For example teaching direction to grade 5 students. An English teacher can combine visual mode and physical movement. At the warm up session, students are in groups. Then each group stands in a line while puts hands on his friend shoulder who is standing in front of him. The teacher tells simple directions and each group moves together based on the directions. In the main activity, the teacher prepares for displaying picture of directions or maps. Then, students recognize direction through picture and learn how to pronounce through audio lingual method.
The next tactic is use students ideas. In this particular tactic, a teacher plans to include opportunities for students developing  and sharing their own ideas and conclusion. As we know that a teacher is not the only one learning resource in the class. It is good to give students chance as learning resources of others because it actually builds students interest when they hear from peers. A teacher also should consider that “the minds of children are not an empty vessels waiting to be filled with knowledge from on high. They are active muscles that develop only when they are exercised” (Adamson,2010:84). For this term, an English teacher may use peer-assessment on holiday plan writing. The planning runs like let students write their holiday plan. Then, each student sits in a group. Next each member on a group reads his writing while the others correct the use of  be going to on that writing.
            The last tactic is seating arrangement. Young learners characteristic who like to move and becomes engine of energy can be handled by arranging the seat. This tactic also helps teacher access the whole class and strengthen proximity control. There are some seating arrangements which can be considered in planning a lesson. if a teacher plans for reading aloud together, U- arrangement will be suitable because whole class is easily monitored through this way. If a teacher plans for practicing dialogue in a group, clustered desk will be good. The number of chair and table of this seating arrangement depends on how many member in a group. if the planning goes to listening a story, big circle seating on the carpet is chosen. When the class is planned for exam, traditional row seating is appropriate. For a class with mixed ability, chair and carpet control can be useful. At this arrangement, high and middle ability students sit in groups of some clusters whereas low ability students who needs more guidance sit together on the carpet. The teacher easily give a lot attention to the low students while the others work autonomously.

            In conclusion, young learners who have unique characteristics can learn well by applying the power of interesting lesson in the class. Participating students, providing dynamic paces of class, and planning meaningful lesson plan are the strategies for gaining interesting lesson. Using those strategies as  power of interesting lesson will be very helpful for an English teacher.

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Ramadhan 29

Kamis, 16 Juni 2016 blog! blog! blog! blog!
It took along time to meet you this evening. blog! blog! blog!
Do you miss me to write, don't you? blog! blog! blog!
I have many things to say but I gotta so busy in the latest of 3 months. blog! blog! blog!
where should I start? blog! blog! blog!
Let me meet you another time.

Jumat, 20 November 2015

Smartphone;Useless Thing for Children

                How often do you see your smartphone? You may see it  almost in a day. It looks like smartphone has  been being an addictive device for many people. Wherever you go, it’s easy finding people use smartphone. The users are not only adult and teen but also children. It is amazing seeing children nowadays who are mastering to use smartphone in a couple of minute. Smartphone as sophisticated device provides some interesting features which appear like a fun friend for children. Then we come to a question, do children need smartphone? Or is smartphone just a useless thing for children? I am confident to say smartphone is a useless thing for children. Smartphone becomes useless thing for children because it brings  negative effects in some aspects of children life. The aspects are social life, mental health, and learning habit.
            The first, smartphone gives negative effect for children’s social life. It is no wonder today, smartphone replace any kinds of children activity such as playing hide and seek, football, basketball, etc. Although those activities are one of  bridge for children to learn how to interact , build empathy and sympathy, cooperate, and live together with others. Children today tend  to stay on their smartphone and play various online game, for example mine craft, point blank, and others. By spending time with smartphone, of course,  children lose their chance to interact with other person directly. They live in their own world without caring another.  As a result, most of children today are egoist and poor in socialization.
            The second, smartphone is bad for children’s mental health. Smartphone help children to be easier accessing social media, so most of them becomes social media user. As a social media user, children is potentially getting cyber bullying or another harassment in social media. Children who are unmature mentally have not been ready yet to face such as bullying. Then children are getting hurt mentally because they only can feel uncomfortable condition but they do not know how to hold it. As Jenifer N. Caudal, DO, an AOA board-certified family physician in Philadelphia states that kids that are bullied are likely to experience anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and poor sleep. In addition, smartphone with easy connectivity to internet can lead children to unhealthy website. For example, a child is opening a website to look for a lesson. Then the problem is when it is unhealthy website,  the child is not only find article related to his lesson but also some advertisements which are the content is not suitable for the children sometimes. The contents usually have pornography within it. Of course it is dangerous for mental health of children.
            The third, smartphone influences children’s learning habit. Smartphone is wonderful for most of children because they can explore everything they want to know by touching the screen only. Experience such as fun activity through smartphone makes children neglect learning.  Because smartphone is addictive, children prefer  break their learning habit pattern to leave their smartphone. Although some parents try to control learning habit of their children but children who has been addicted on smartphone will also try to look for some ways to use smart secretly.
            The opponents of smartphone for children says that smartphone supports children education aspect with the program in it such as e-book, calculator, educative game, etc. However, choosing smartphone to support children education is not ideal choice because smartphone as stated previously brings much negative effect. It’s better to use book, the real educative game, and another media which are safer than smartphone.

            In conclusion, children possess smartphone is useless thing because it can cause much negative effects than positive one. The negative effects of smartphone harm children in some aspect such as social life, mental health, and, learning habit. Since smartphone brings much disadvantages, it is benefit to avoid children from smartphone. 

Senin, 02 November 2015

Surviving The Challenges to be a Teacher

Being a teacher can be a frustrating job for some people. Preparing material everyday, facing variety characteristics of student, and student’s parents demand sometimes appear as unique frustrations during teacher work. That is why some people prefer another profession to a teacher.  On the other hand, becoming a teacher is an enjoyable job for some persons. That is a reason why we still can see some persons survive to be a teacher. Besides, there are some others reasons why somebody survive to be a teacher  , namely love to teach, happiness to see changes of others, and desire to be a lifelong learner.
            Love to teach gives significant effects to survive being a teacher. Love to teach influences teachers to see difficulties as challenges. Although many problems come, they stand forward to find a solution and  never think to stop being a teacher because of the problem, of course. In addition, love to teach makes teachers put best effort to run their work. Every time they teach, they always care to do well prepared planning and perform teaching with various methods. When a method does not fit in their class, they will look  another method for the next meeting. Next teachers who love to teach are teachers who love their student. They know that every student is different but they realize that all students have to be loved as well as the others. They are sincere to be a guide, helper, motivator, friend, and parent for the sake of their student.
            In addition, happiness to see change of others is also influential to survive being a teacher . First, happiness to see change of others forces  teachers  to assume that a slow learner will not be a burden. They assist a slow learner with all efforts they can do, so the learner will not be left behind. Second, happiness to see changes of others  motivates teachers to treat undisciplined student patienly. They try to find out the causes and demonstrate some ways to change the student’s attitude. Third, happiness to see changes of others persuades  teachers to  appreciate student’s changes though it is just a little. They believe every single change should be praised because it will lead the student to have another positive change. The last, happiness to see change of others guides teachers to be an open-minded person.  Suggestion and criticism for student’s change will be received as valuable information.  
             Desire to be a lifelong learner  also plays  important  roles to survive being a teacher. Desire to   be a lifelong learner prompts teachers to learn many things because they realize students always come with many questions and curiosities. Although teacher is not somebody who knows everything, I think  it is ironic when students ask some questions but none of them can be answered. Then desire to be a lifelong learner guides teachers to improve their skill because education  always develops especially the method that can be used for benefit of learning and teaching.

            All in all, teaching may become a stress full job for somebody but thinking to survive being a teacher is a better choice. Some reasons such as love to teach, happiness to see changes of others, and desire to be a lifelong learner can help teachers to survive. May be by doing those, teachers will experience meaningful survival in their job.  

Senin, 05 Oktober 2015

Guru dan Kepemimpinan

Di lingkungan sekitar kita tak sulit untuk menemukan pemimpin. Di rumah, di lingkungan kerja, di lingkungan masyarakat   pemimpin pasti selalu ada. Namun, satu hal yang menjadi titik penting dari seorang pemimpin adalah apakah benar mereka adalah pemimpin ataukah hanya sekedar pimpinan saja? Terkadang kita menjumpai pemimpin yang ketika dia ada semua anggotanya patuh melaksanankan instruksi namun sayangnya ketika dia tidak ada anggotanya bebas untuk melakukan apapun karena merasa tidak ada yang mengawasi. Ada juga yang seringkali meminta anggotanya untuk melakukan pembenahan diri sementara ia sendiri tidak melakukannya. Hal yang lain adalah, ada pemimpin yang senangnya dilayani namun enggan melayani.  Bolehlah saya menyebut pemimpin seperti ini adalah pimpinan yang bukan pemimpin. Lantas, pimpinan seperti apakah yang pantas disebut pemimpin?
 Menurut saya pemimpin adalah orang-orang yang memiliki jiwa kepemimipinan. Kepemimpinan menurut Stepen  J. Carrol dan Henry L. Tosj (1977)  adalah suatu proses mempengaruhi orang lain untuk mengerjakan apa yang kamu kehendaki dari mereka untuk mengerjakan. Dari pengertian ini, dapat dikatakan bahwa seorang pemimpin meskipun tidak berada disekitar anggotanya semestinya instruksinya tetap dapat dilaksanakan anggotanya karena seorang pemimpin mempengaruhi bukan menyuruh. Pengertian lain tentang kepemimpinan telah dicontohkan dalam sejarah kepemimpinan Rasulullah, Muhammad SAW. Seperti dalam surah Al-Ahzab, 33:21 yang menyatakan bahwa “sesungguhnya pada diri Rasulullah terdapat contoh teladan bagi mereka yang menggantungkan harapannya kepada Allah dan hari akhirat serta banyak berdzikir kepada Allah”. Satu kata yang harus saya garis bawahi dalam potongan ayat ini adalah keteladanan. Keteladanan adalah kata yang sederhana namun ia tak sederhana dalam makna. Teladan dalam kata yang sederhana adalah contoh.  Banyak orang yang bisa memberi contoh namun yang layak disebut teladan adalah mereka yang dapat dicontoh. Menjadi pemimpin yang dapat dicontoh bukanlah proses yang instan karena untuk dapat dicontoh muncul dari pembiasaan melatih diri dengan sikap-sikap baik. karenanya seperti yang dikatakan bapak Eri Sudewo dalam buku Character Buildingnya “ siapa pun memang bisa menjadi pemimpin. Namun, hanya yang terus melatih diri yang memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan”. Semua orang pasti bisa jadi pemimpin namun, hanya yang terus melatih diri dengan sikap-sikap yang baik yang pantas disebut pemimpin.
Setiap orang adalah pemimpin, tak terkecuali seorang guru. Seperti kata banyak orang guru adalah orang yang digugu dan ditiru. Idealnya, untuk bisa digugu dan ditiru, kemampuan mempengaruhi dan menjadi teladan adalah dua hal yang harus ada dalam diri. Atau dengan kata lain, seorang guru mesti memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan.
Dalam ruang kelas, guru adalah pemimpin bagi siswa-siswanya. Dengan jiwa kepemimpinan yang dimiliki, seorang guru akan bisa mempengaruhi siswa melakukan hal-hal baik dengan teladan guru yang bisa langsung dilihat oleh siswa-siswanya. Dengan jiwa kepemimpinan yang dimiliki seorang guru, seorang guru akan terus memperbaiki diri karena sadar bahwa ia adalah teladan yang tak mungkin meminta siswanya untuk berbuat sesuatu yang dirinya sendiri tidak melakukannya. Dengan jiwa kepemimpinan pada diri seorang guru, seorang guru akan terus belajar mencari hal-hal baru yang bisa dibawa ke kelas untuk mendukung pembelajaran karena ia sadar bahwa ia harus memberi usaha terbaiknya dalam pekerjaannya sebagaimana ia meminta siswanya untuk memberikan usaha terbaiknya dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugasnya.
Pada lingkungan sekolah, guru adalah teman sejawat bagi guru lainnya. Untuk bisa menjadi teman yang baik, seorang guru selayaknya mampu memimpin diri sendiri. Dengan memimpin diri sendiri, seorang guru akan bisa menempatkan dirinya dalam berbagai situasi yang dihadapi. Juga, tetap bisa rendah hati untuk terus menerus belajar dari teman disekitarnya dan menerima dengan lapang dada ketika teman memberi saran ataupun kritikan. Hal yang lain, seorang guru pemimpin akan menyadari bahwa ia dan teman yang lainnya adalah kesatuan tim yang semestinya bekerjasama untuk mencapai tujuan sekolah.
Sebagai seorang guru, sangat saya sadari bahwa saya masih sangatlah jauh dari kondisi ideal seorang guru seperti yang telah dipaparkan diparagrap sebelumnya. Karenanya, saya merasa membutuhkan wadah belajar sehingga bisa mengupgrade diri. Harapannya dengan wadah belajar seperti pelatihan kepemimpinan yang akan diadakan oleh pihak sekolah akan membantu saya untuk terus belajar menjadi guru pemimpin yang semoga suatu hari nanti dapat memberi manfaat yang sebanyak-banyaknya bagi orang lain, lingkungan, dan diri saya pribadi tentunya.
Note: Sekumpulan kata untuk persyaratan mengikuti leardership training. Good Luck, Anci :) 

Dulu, Sekarang, dan Esok

Berjalan dengan cepat meningggalkan sekolah saat jam menunjukan pukul 15.30, waktu pulang karyawan dan guru.  Perasaan seperti berburu dengan waktu. Diangkot  berharap tak bertemu macet dan pak sopir tak terlalu lama ngetem menunggu penumpang. Turun di perempatan pertanian, terkadang harus menunggu sejenak, lalu melanjutkan langkah cepat menuju halte bus way di area yang sama. Sembari menunggu sesekali melihat jam. Pukul 16.00 aktivitas di tempat yang ingin kutuju sudah akan dimulai. Melewatkan  empat halte dan selalu tiba di halte terakhir, buncit indah pukul 16 lewat. Di penyebrangan terlihat gedung tinggi berdampingan dengan gedung QLC (Qur’an Learning Center). Di sana,di lantai 4 gedung biru itu, petualangan ilmu ku yakin sudah di mulai.
                Bersegera keluar dari lift, memasuki ruangan yang tentu sudah hampir penuh dengan temanku yang lain. Mencari-cari bangku kosong, begitulah lazimnya orang yang datang terlambat. Saat mendapatkan tempat duduk, aku selalu merasakan bagian kehidupan yang lain dari rutinitas harianku. Bagian kehidupan yang pernah kualami sebelum menajalani kehidupan seorang guru sekolah dan penghuni kontrakan di jalan jagakarsa.
                Setiap selasa, rabu, dan kamis sore, aku bisa merasakan lagi debaran yang sama seperti dulu ketika PPL kampus dan bekerja paruh waktu. Setelah PPL selesai bersegera menuju tempat kerja.  Barpacu dengan waktu dan merasakan sedikit kekhawatiran namun berbahagia dalam melakukannya. Kenapa?? Karena di sana ada cita-cita yang pantas untuk diperjuangkan.
                Dari  sekitar pukul 4 sore hingga 9 malam, aku merasakan kembali atmosfer itu. Atmosfer petualang yang bersemangat mencari jawaban atas setiap pertanyaan yang ada di kepala. Merasakan kebebasan bertanya dan berpendapat. Menyimpan kekaguman pada mereka yang memberi jawaban cerdas dan mencerahkan serta saat bertanya menyertakan nalar juga menyampaikannya dengan cara yang santun.
                Di ruangan berisi 30  orang itu, kembali seperti saat  belajar di kampus ungu. Rasanya semakin aku belajar semakin aku merasa kurang bahkan terkadang terasa tersesat. Namun, semuanya menjadi lecutan untuk kembali belajar saat meninggalkan ruangan itu.
                Di ruang 401 itu, aku melihat lagi jiwa-jiwa pemburu nilai. Semua orang berusaha memberi performa yang terbaik dengan style masing-masing untuk menyelesaikan tugas dan mendapatkan nilai dengan baik. Saat maha guru menandai nama di absen bagi yang menjawab ataupun bertanya, hawa dari jiwa-jiwa itu makin kental terasa.
                Di sana juga, beberapa teman  membentuk colony. Ada namanya geng kereta karena mereka pulang perginya bersama pakai kereta. Kemarin juga baru saja memproklamirkan diri geng bus way karena selalu berangkat bersama menggunakan bus way. Ada juga geng 2 sejoli, begitu aku menyebutnya. Mereka adalah sepasang kekasih yang hubungannya terlihat jelas saat saling berpandangan dan tentunya selalu mengambil posisi duduk yang berseblahan. Meski dalam geng, mereka sadar benar untuk tetap bergaul dengan teman yang lain. Seperti dulu, di gedung DH tempatku belajar juga seperti itu. Ada geng akademis, mereka yang bersepakat untuk lebih awal menyelesaikan kuliah dengan IPK tinggi tentunya. Ada juga geng organisator, mereka yang terlibat dalam organisasi  intra kampus. Waktu itu juga ada dua sejoli, Yang Alhamdulillah sekarang dalam ikatan perkawinan yang membahagiakan. Aku juga masih seperti dulu. Berteman dengan semua. Akrab dengan mereka yang buatku merasa nyaman. Namun keakraban itu jauh membahas hal-hal pribadi. Pandanganku masih sama bahwa semua yang berbau personal tentangku cukuplah menjadi milikku dan sedikit orang yang kupercaya untuk mengetahui, dan juga tentunya Rabbi yang maha mendengar dan melihat segalanya.
                Dulu dengan segala tantangan yang harus kuhadapi, akhirnya toga hitam itu terpasang juga dikepalaku. Hari special dengan jubah hitam dan slayer ungu waktu itu memberi haru dan menjadi persembahan terimakasih untuk  almarhum ayah, mama dan  seorang kakak yang tak pernah jemu berjuang mendukungku dengan semua yang dia miliki. Esok jika Allah berkenan mempertemukanku dengan hari itu lagi, kuharap Mama dan seorang kakak itu hadir di sampingku. Ingin merasakan keharuan itu lagi. Ingin berterimakasih untuk doa yang tak pernah habis untukku, untuk kepercayaan yang tak pernah luntur membiarkan saya menapak tanah rantau dalam waktu yang cukup lama,dan  untuk kesediaan tanpa pamrih bertanggungjawab untuk kehidupan mama dan adik-adik.
                Saat sekarang menjumpai kejadian yang sama dengan dahulu, mari melihatnya sebagai signal dariNya untuk lebih memperbaiki diri dan melewatkan semuanya dengan hal-hal yang lebih baik. Saat sekarang memiliki harapan akan hari esok, bertahanlah karena harapan itu yang kan selalu mengobarkan gelora juang dalam jiwa kelana kita.
Hikari Home

October 3nd, 2015

Senin, 19 Januari 2015


He is not the one who gives birth to you
but his voice has directed you to Allah at your first coming in the world...     AllahuAkbar
He can’t look after you every single time
But he never forgets you in every praying he does
You never listen his crying because he wanna look strong
So you are sure to hold his arm and lie down on  his chest when you are unsafe.
He never hugs you tightly because he is afraid his love isn’t able to release you
                                                                                                                                                                             (Is taken from  video “ love for Dad: diterjemahkan ke English)
     Suddenly, I remembered my dad some days ago. May be I missed him a lot (eh, jadi curcol deh,hehe). Because he always appears in my mind lately,then I decided to write a moment of mine with him tonight.
     At the time was my first year in junior high school.  One day, I helped my mother cleaning a small garden in front of our house. I threw a stack of  grass , then I was stambled by egg plant tree which has been cut. I fell down and I found my right hand is sprained. My mother brought me to our neighbour  because she is able to treat well sprain. “there is nothing to worry, your daughter’s hand bone has been ok”.  My neighbour said.
It had been a week but I still couldn’t move my hand. My dad said we had to look for another masseur. Every morning in a month, my dad picked me up to masseur. There was not a change. My father look for another one. He found and we went there. “ we need to break  your daughter’s hand  because her bone is still at the wrong place but tendon has filled the bone place”. That the next masseur said.
I realized that my father wasn’t a healthy person. He often threw up meal when he was eating. He suffered a stomach disorder . It was not good for him riding motorcycle in the early morning. But he still did it for me. He hold me tightly when the massaur massaging my hand. When I was truly in pain, he couldn’t  hold me. His thin body got lose by my movement but then he tried again to hold  me. It had been two months. My hand showed a bit progress. but I couldn’t hold up the pain.
My dad got information that there was a masseur in Sengkang (a capital region in South Sulawesi). He could massage well. The patient would not feel pain. We needed  three hours to get that place. My dad rent a car for a day. We met the masseur. He massaged my hand slowly. I was not crying again. He spread bee olive on my hand. He told me to bring that olive and train my hand to move at home.
Mom and dad helped me a lot training my hand. I could move it a bit more than before. My dad accompanied at the masseur. We didn’t find him at his house. His daughter said that he was in his garden. Dad asked some persons on the way there because we didn’t recognize well the place. Then, we knew that, the place was only could be reached by ojek. Alhamdulillah, we found ojek and we got the place. The old man massaged my hand. He said that we didn’t have to come again there. It was enough to train my hand at home.  Three months had passed.  I could use spoon for eating. Then, with a continued exercise, my hand has been recovered.
It was really a long pain. Million thanks to Dad because you never be tired staying on my side at the time. You see now, I  can  survive and earn money with this hand and of course I’ll  always raise this hand and pray for you. May allah gives you the best place in His side.  

Love your Dad as long as he is still beside you. One day, when you can’t see him anymore, I hope there is no regret because you’ve given your best as a child for him.